Gabriel Llorens  biologo libro fotografia naturaleza dominios lince iberico portada.png

New book

Texts in English and Spanish. For sale here.

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This book takes us through excellent photographs and texts into the mysterious life of the lynx in the emblematic landscapes of Sierra Morena.

Gabriel Llorens  biologo libro fotografia naturaleza dominios lince iberico barba.jpg


Máximo Sánchez Cobo, wildlife expert

Whoever likes the Iberian fauna, likes our lynx, and whoever likes our lynx, will like this book.

Those of us who know Gabi Llorens were confident that this project was going to be masterful. Even so, I am surprised by the work that he and his excellent team offer us: unbeatable result!

Book Description

The Iberian lynx is one of the most iconic animals on the planet. During two decades I have accumulated innumerable observations of the lynx, which I have wanted to share in this book. The life of the lynx is shown in 129 photographs taken in freedom. The work combines portraits of this beautiful feline with other images in the unique and unparalleled environment of Sierra Morena.

This project could not be undertaken alone and Vicente Laguna and the great biologist José María Gil, who has done so much for the conservation of the Iberian lynx, joined in as co-authors. Also, photographer friends who love the feline have participated, enriching the work enormously. 

It has been worth it to be in the field with all kind of metheorological conditions just for seeing this beautiful animal; from idyllic days with perfect light and temperature to windy days, fog, frost or hellish temperatures in the summer months. Witnessing the life of the lynx for so long has made me feel privileged and I want to share these magical moments in the work The domains of the Iberian lynx.

Gabriel Llorens  biologo libro fotografia naturaleza dominios lince iberico interior 02.jpg

Features of the book

  • texts in english and spanish

  • 172 pages + covers

  • papers: interior and covers in creator silk of 150 grs

  • black paper guards of 140 grs

  • inks: 4 + 4 + acrylic varnish

  • sizes: 30 x 24 cm closed, 600 x 240 open handled

  • hard cover binding with straight spine



Tony Peral, wildlife photographer

What can I say about a book like this? We are possibly looking at the best work published about Iberian lynx.

I met Gabi Llorens many years ago, of course, sharing field observations at  wolves land.

Since then there have been many occasions when I have had the opportunity to see him in the field and admire the qualities of a pure and authentic naturalist. I have seen the efforts he makes when studying species, he is methodical and disciplined, but above all he is passionate. This book is the result of that passion.

Gabi has been observing lynx for more than 20 years. With so many hours of observation he has acquired a knowledge about the species that in part was already reflected in his first book "Observaciones de campo del lince ibérico", published in 2008.

In this occasion Gabi shows us his magnificent photographic collection. The love and care of a work such as this is completed with the magnificent pictures of Vicente Laguna, co-author of the book, and with the texts of what is probably one of the best scientific naturalists we have in this country, José María Gil, what many of us know him as "El indio", who worked for so many years for and with the lynx since the LIFE project.

Finally, I can only say that this is an essential book for any lynx lover.



The domains of the Iberian lynx

Gabriel Llorens  biologo libro fotografia naturaleza dominios lince iberico interior 03.jpg
35,00 €

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